Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD) is a result of long-term trauma and many of our modern slavery victims suffer from this mental health condition. We decided it was worth researching further.


A Summary of this type of Trauma


Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD), sometimes referred to as “complex trauma”, has not been studied as deeply as compared to PTSD. cPTSD is the result of multiple traumatic events being experienced over an extended period of time. Some examples of prolonged traumatic events that can result in cPTSD are human trafficking, slavery, concentration camps, child sexual abuse, and genocide.

It is defined as a psychological disorder that can develop in response to the prolonged, repeated experience of interpersonal trauma in a context in which the individual has little or no chance of escape.

Many of the survivors we work with at the Freedom Hub Survivor School have cPTSD.


Our Research on cPTSD


To read more about this and modern slavery check out this paper researched for us:  TFH cPTSD Article


Mental Health and Recovery from Modern Slavery

For more information on the mental health recovery of a Survivor of Modern Slavery read our short article here.

The Freedom Hub Survivor School is the only LONG-TERM, wrap-around care, and support for survivors of modern slavery in Australia.

Without our community of businesses and donors, we could not do this, and we want to keep growing so we can help many, many more. We plan to spend the next two years expanding our services across Australia and you can be a part of it. We need Ambassadors and volunteers in every local town or region to help.

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