Revolutionise your Response to Modern  Slavery 

  • improve your customer confidence and trust
  • learn from experienced practitioners
  • keep employees longer and more excited about their work
  • be on the leading edge of risk compliance and global updates
  • embed survivor voice into your policies and procedures?
The Freedom Hub can help you respond, take action and measure your risk of slavery. We can also review your Modern Statement, policies and procedures, and help with ESG reporting.

We have packages to suit every business large or small. Call us for a FREE chat about what you need.

The connection that Freedom Hub makes between the impacts of the Modern Slavery legislation and the real-world survivors and their stories.”

Senior Manager, Global Sourcing

“Your genuine passion to end slavery, expertise and insights you brought to our firm about slavery in Australia” 

Sustainability Manager, Financial Sector

“You have made a daunting process manageable and given clear and honest guidance to move forward. Our team loved the engaging training workshops”

Founder/ CEO, Fashion Wholesaler

Why Ethical Business?

Ethical business involves social justice issues, modern slavery risk assessments, ESG reporting, social procurement whenever possible and values people over profits.

Australian consumers are becoming ethically-minded and many businesses are taking note.

Consumers want responsible businesses. There’s a rising expectation for businesses to have a social purpose and give back.


Australia has a new Modern Slavery Act requiring large businesses to submit a Modern Slavery Statement that identifies the risk of slavery in their supply chain and business procedures. Smaller businesses can also submit a ‘voluntary’ modern slavery statement to demonstrate they care.

The Freedom Hub (TFH) is a registered Australian Charity that runs ethical businesses to fund our work.

We are Social Traders Accredited, Good Market Accredited and Social Enterprise World Forum Verified.

100% of profits from our social procurement, support the survivors of modern slavery in our Survivor School.

We will help you assess your risk and respond to modern slavery

Responding to Modern Slavery

TFH would be privileged to support your organisation as an external advisor to help your modern slavery response.

Our advisory practice is built on over 20 years of shared experience in procurement, risk management, and sustainability. In addition to TFH’s direct work with victims/survivors of modern slavery in Australia.

Our advice places victims/survivors at the centre of every organisation’s response, and when appropriate we share their stories to highlight not only the nature of exploitation but the pathway to recovery.


Partnering together we will provide you with:

  • Compliance training for all businesses, large and small. Find out about our next End Modern Slavery Workshop HERE. or ask us about our bespoke training for your team or your stakeholders.
  • An external/NGO review of your current Modern Slavery Statement and modern slavery response giving suggestions to enhance your procedures, and supplier relationships and strengthen your response and remediation.   
  •  R.A.M.P is TFH’s Risk Assessment and Measurement Platform designed to help businesses assess the risk of slavery in their supply chains and business processes. It also provides an effective measurement tool for company actions taken in response to modern slavery.
  • Impact stories and on-the-ground knowledge of slavery from victim/survivors in our Survivor School and our NGO networks around the world.
  • Opportunities for companies partnered with TFH to provide employment pathways for survivors of slavery or sponsorship for a survivor’s education and rehabilitation.
  • Remediation solutions. Our Survivor School and NGO network scan also be a great part of your company remediation plan.

100% of the profits from our Ethical Business Services support survivors of slavery and the fight to end slavery. Our own ethical social enterprises also support this cause.

Do you know just how susceptible your business is to modern slavery?

Call us now on 0478 923 024 to discuss just how at risk your business could be.

Helping your Business Respond to Modern Slavery

Bespoke Training on Modern Slavery with The Freedom Hub

Slavery Training

  • for employees
  • for suppliers
  • for the board
  • for procurement
  • bespoke workshops
  • consulting
Ramp up your response to Modern Slavery with R.A.M.P.


  • Risk Assessment & Measurement Platform (RAMP)
  • No spreadsheets
  • Supply mapping
  • Easy MSA Reporting
  • Risk analytics
Business partner meeting


  • Volunteer days
  • Fundraise
  • Run projects
  • Help survivors
  • Employ survivors
  • Run sports events
Waterloo Cafe picture

Events & Catering

  • Book our venue
  • Product launches
  • Team meetings / party
  • Catering (Sydney CBD)
  • All profits go to survivors
ethical soy candles

Corporate Giving

  • Ethically sourced
  • Social Trader Accredited
  • Gift hampers
  • All profits help survivors & cause
Freedom Fighter Coffe pic


  • Ethical coffee
  • Ethical tea
  • Ethical wines
  • Ethical candles
  • Accredited
ethical business team
TFH Cafe pic

The Freedom Hub Cafe

An urban escape where you will instantly feel freedom from daily pressures. We serve ethically sourced coffees, teas and great locally sourced food. We’re at two locations in Waterloo Cafe Sydney.

The Freedom Hub Events

We offer you a large space in Waterloo to run your Ethical Events. It’s the new giving back trend that people are looking for. Leverage your big day for good. All the profits from these events support people who have experienced modern-day slavery or human trafficking within Australian borders. Book an event with us.

The Freedom Hub School

Survivor School uses profits from our ethical business units above – to help victims of this crime recover.

Articles and News

Day 12: Evan Link – Giving back to Australia
Day 12: Evan Link – Giving back to Australia

For day eleven of our 16 Days of Freedom blogs, another intern, Evan Link, has reflected on his time interning with The Freedom Hub.  By: Evan Link When I came to Australia for my semester abroad, I knew I wanted to complete an internship where I could make a...

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Day 11: Modern Slavery in Australia
Day 11: Modern Slavery in Australia

For many of us, it's conceivable that modern-day slavery exists; however, it's harder to believe that it exists in Australia. The reality for many Australians is freedom - freedom of choice and opportunity. For thousands of others, the reality is very different....

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Day 10: Survivor Story – Fighting for Freedom
Day 10: Survivor Story – Fighting for Freedom

*Today's blog is a survivor story from last year, shared during the 2022 16 Days of Freedom. While it isn't a "new" story, I hope you're moved to compassion by reading Clara's* story. This is the genuine work our Survivor School does, and it's important to highlight...

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Day 9: How Education Can End Child Labour
Day 9: How Education Can End Child Labour

While many of us may appreciate and understand the importance of formal education, we may not fully grasp the impact an education may have on a child at risk of manipulation and exploitation. It's Day 9 of our 16 Days of Freedom campaign, and today, we will be looking...

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Day 5: Who do we Partner with to End Modern Slavery?
Day 5: Who do we Partner with to End Modern Slavery?

Partnerships and collaborations within the justice space are paramount for making progress. The third arm of The Freedom Hub's social purpose is to "partner in the fight to end global slavery." Partnership is the only way we will end modern slavery in our country....

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Day 1: What is 16 Days of Freedom?
Day 1: What is 16 Days of Freedom?

Today marks the beginning of an annual international UN campaign called 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The campaign begins today, 25 November, and runs until 10 December, on Human Rights Day.   What is the campaign? But first, let's start at...

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