Written by: Zainab Attarwali

As the world commemorates UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30th July, it is crucial to remember that human trafficking is a severe breach of fundamental human rights and a global issue that affects every community and industry. While the scale and profitability of this crime can be daunting, collective efforts can bring about significant change. Here’s how you can contribute to the fight against modern slavery.

1. Understand and Spread Awareness About Trafficking

A significant portion of human trafficking cases go unnoticed, contributing to the hidden figure of modern slavery. Some critical facts include:

  • An estimated 50 million people are trapped in modern slavery, with 27.6 million in forced labour and 22 million in forced marriage.
  • About 41,000 of these victims live in Australia alone.
  • Children account for 1 in 4 victims.
  • Women and girls represent 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry and 58% in other sectors.

Types of Modern Slavery:

  • Human trafficking: Coercing individuals through violence or threats for exploitation.
  • Forced labour: Compelling work under threat of punishment.
  • Debt bondage: Trapping individuals in debt, they must work off, often under exploitative conditions.
  • Descent-based slavery: Treating individuals as property, with status inherited through generations.
  • Child exploitation: Forcing children into labour, marriage, or military roles.
  • Forced marriage: Marrying individuals against their will.

For deeper insights, explore resources from the International Labour Organisation, Walk Free’s Global Slavery Index, and Anti-Slavery International.

2. Advocate for Government Action

Governments must be pressured to strengthen anti-trafficking measures. Some actions include:

  • Regular training for personnel likely to encounter trafficking victims.
  • Including survivors in developing and monitoring anti-trafficking initiatives.
  • Enforcing laws to prevent forced labour and exploitation in supply chains.
  • Providing adequate resources and training for law enforcement and judicial systems.
  • Collaborating with businesses to combat forced labour.

Our organisation has actively lobbied for stronger laws, including the NSW Modern Slavery Act. You can join this effort by contacting government officials, using guides from Be Slavery Free.

3. Support and Empower Survivors

Survivors’ voices are vital in combating human trafficking. We provide specialised support through our Survivor School, helping them recover, gain skills, and find employment. This empowerment enables survivors to become advocates and leaders in anti-trafficking efforts.

4. Fund the Cause

You can support our mission by engaging in ethical consumerism. Purchase slave-free products or enjoy a coffee at our cafes. While we appreciate donations, we aim to sustain our work through social entrepreneurship. This approach not only funds our initiatives but also raises awareness.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us as an advocate, volunteer, or supporter through ethical consumerism. Your involvement, no matter how small, contributes to ending modern slavery.

For more information and updates, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and follow us on social media!

Join Our Team

Help raise awareness and join our local volunteer team; contact us here. We hold volunteer information nights throughout the year for those who want to join.

If you’d like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, click here.

If you would like to support our work, you can donate here. We are a registered Australian Charity, and all donations support survivors of modern slavery in Australia who are in our Survivor School.

If you want to learn more about our Survivor School or our Ethical Business Service, look at the drop-down menus at the top of our website home page.

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