Jun 6, 2020 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates
Known statistics of Child Labour in India is over 10million children. But the coronavirus has brought to light that child labour and child trafficking is rampant in India. More than the local charities and campaigners had realised. This article by the Thomson Reuters...
Jun 1, 2020 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Cocoa
Did you know that some of your favourite foods may be produced with child labour? Take chocolate, for instance: 60 percent of its main ingredient, cocoa, is grown in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, where child labour remains widespread. 2 million children in Ghana and...
Jun 1, 2020 | Blog, Child Labour, Slavery in the Financial Sector
How your savings could be invested in firms making deadly weapons banned under international treaty. Investing in cluster munitions are part of a wider problem. Highlighted in a report by ShareAction, many asset managers have paid scant regard to human rights abuses...
Jun 1, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Slavery in Coffee, Waterloo Cafe
Here are 5 Tips for finding really good Coffee… You wake up, dreary eyed, not wanting to get out of bed but you do… slowly. Priority 1 – good coffee. Once ready for work, you race towards your local coffee shop to get your morning caffeine burst just so...
Apr 18, 2019 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
It’s the chocolate lover’s favourite time of year. Chocolate is everywhere in huge quantities. Who’s complaining? We certainly aren’t! That said, not all chocolate is the same – not only in taste, but in ethical impact too. We all want to be able to indulge in...