Dec 3, 2020 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Forced Labour, Slavery in Fashion
Women Unpaid, exploited and dismissed: Garment workers continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic The immense global impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are yet to be fully assessed. But there’s no doubt of the devastation this unprecedented event has caused. For...
Dec 3, 2020 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog
Partners are essential to ending Modern Slavery. The Freedom Hub mission is to end slavery in Australia, help victims recover and PARTNER in the fight to end global slavery. There are many ways that we partner to end slavery. At a high level, our founder sits on...
Oct 9, 2020 | Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
Sept 2020. A lot happened last month with regards to the Modern Slavery. Particularly, in NSW. In this update you will read about the NSW Modern Slavery Act; also the US banning supplies from China and fish from Taiwan. And you can learn more about what you can do...
Sep 25, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Forced Labour
Finally some action is happening. Parliament met yesterday (24th Sept 2020) to discuss the NSW Modern Slavery Act. As a result the 17 recommendations that an earlier enquiry made, were addressed. This piece of legislation is critical for human rights and it has been...
Sep 14, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Marriage, Survivor News
My name is Brinda. In this blog I want to share what I learnt about slavery and how working at the Freedom Hub impacted my life. Firstly about me. I am an international student from a middle-class family in Nepal. I came to Australia almost two years ago to pursue my...
Aug 16, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
Note: missing links in our August newsletter are here: Cafe/Events & Ethical Shopping Ethical Business August 2020 Update. A lot is going on in the fight to end modern slavery. Many businesses are well on their way to assessing their risk of slavery in their...