Category: Global Modern Slavery Updates
Apr 11, 2022 | Blog, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
Easter Means Chocolate Time! Here’s How to Get Your Spring Fix Ethically Easter is a time of eating chocolate– chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies. It is something we share with family and friends. There is no denying the happiness we feel when we bite into a piece of...
Apr 3, 2022 | Child Labour, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
The chocolate industry makes an estimated $103 billion globally each year. As a result, there are greedy individuals willing to take shortcuts if it means more money in their pockets. Hence, the plague of modern-day slavery and child labour runs rampant in the farming...
Oct 26, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa, Waterloo Cafe
From our hometowns to the global scale, injustice happens everywhere, every day. Sadly, this means issues get forgotten about, or overpowered by other problems. However, we rarely stop talking about them because they have been fixed. Those who have a hand in these...
Sep 14, 2021 | Blog, Forced Labour, Slavery in Prisons, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
Australian shoppers have a lot of freedom to make ethical choices at the shops. Yet, there is more label information about the living conditions of the hens laying our eggs than the people sewing our clothes. Perhaps no one would opt to buy “cage jeans”. Regardless,...
Jul 12, 2021 | Blog, Forced Labour, Sex Slavery, Slavery in Hospitality
Hotels provide a service that centers around appeasing guests. Whether it’s employees like maids and room service, or amenities like restaurants and pools. This industry wants you to travel to different places, enjoy your stay, then go home to recommend it to...
Jul 12, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Mica
We all use products every day that are made from mica. But most of us are unaware that this mica may have been acquired through the worst forms of child labor. From its use as an insulator in our computers, phones, and other electronics; to its use in cosmetics...
Jul 1, 2021 | Child Labour, Debt Bondage, Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Slavery in Tea, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
Forced labor in tea farming: how far removed are we? Think about the foods and beverages in your kitchen right now. Would it be possible for you to list their origins down to the grower of each ingredient? I know I couldn’t, not even for something as simple as the tea...
May 16, 2021 | Blog, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in DV
This month is Domestic Violence Month. So this is another blog in our series to highlight this problem with the lens of it being a form of modern slavery. While it can start as domestic violence with the victim being beaten and/or abused; it can easily become...
May 1, 2021 | Blog, Sex Slavery, Slavery in DV, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
In this blog, we address the issue of Abusive Pregnancy. Not all babies are born out of a loving relationship. And incredibly, pregnant women tend to experience greater severity in domestic violence. Domestic Violence (DV) Awareness month is in May. So we want to...
May 1, 2021 | Blog, Forced Marriage, Sex Slavery, Slavery in DV, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
Can you believe that “National Rape Day” is a new trend growing on media platforms? Because Domestic Violence Awareness month is in May, we thought it is important to take a look at this issue of ‘rape day’. And we should all take into account the...