The Freedom Fair


“How do I know where to buy ethical products?”

At The Freedom Fair we want to make it easy. Easy for everyone to make informed purchases, easy for businesses taking steps to address modern slavery to be recognised, and easy for the community to say no to forced labour.

The Freedom Fair is a marketplace making a difference.

Hosted at The Freedom Hub cafe in Waterloo, are gathering ethical vendors for you to meet and speak to. We are profiling local businesses that have crafted ways to shop ethically and provide amazing products that are unique.

The Freedom Fair is a creative and fun, welcoming environment for our community to make their everyday decisions count towards the fight against modern slavery.

It is also the ideal place to seek out unique gifts that have an impact and will wow your friends or customers.

In addition to learning about being a conscious consumer, you will have the opportunity to drink ethical Freedom Fighter coffee and try our Freedom Hub ethical cafe food.

We can’t wait to host you.


The Freedom Hub welcomes businesses that have chosen to work on assessing risk of slavery in their supply chains and work toward eliminating that risk.

Our Vendors:

All of the Good Things
Aunty’s Ginger Tonic
Chocolate on Purpose
Community Flower Studio
Goods 4 Good
Nakheel Australia
Sensi Wines
The Bread & Butter Project
The Ethical Beauty Expert
The Toucan Shop


Guest Speakers on Ethical Business

Raffle & Door Prizes

Ethical Chocolate Tasting

Ethical Food & Wine Tasting

Modern Slavery Trivia Competition

Selfie Photo Space

This year The Freedom Hub is partnering with The Fair Trade Association to bring you the Freedom Fair as part of their 2023 Changemaker Tour, aimed to support communities who are struggling with poverty in disadvantaged markets, by providing fair access to work, fair pay, and fair working conditions.

In addition to learning about being a conscious consumer, you will find an abundance of unique gifts that will wow your friends while you make a difference. Register now.

Want to know more about Slavery in our Shopping?


Click on the industries known to have a high prevalence of forced labour below to learn more. Don’t risk having slavery in your Christmas gifts this year, come and learn more about being a conscious consumer.

Come and meet vendors that can offer ethical solutions.


Sadly this treasured morning ritual can come at a high cost to the human rights of the men, women and children forced into labour on coffee plantations globally.

At The Freedom Fair we will be serving and selling our Freedom Fighter coffee which goes the extra step of rescuing and supporting child soldiers in its country of origin. 

Read our blogs on slavery in this industry

Cocoa, palm oil and sugar

Similar to coffee these agricultural industries continue to have a presence of forced labour and child labour.

We will be welcoming some of Sydney’s favourite treatmakers to show us we can have our cake and eat it too!

Read our blog on slavery in this industry


From the collection of cotton to the production of apparel and clothing accessories this industry is at high risk of forced labour and labour camps.

The Freedom Fair will be showcasing ethical suppliers of adult fashion, childrens fashion, bags and toys.

Read our blog on slavery in this industry

Pet food

Forced labor and human trafficking in the fishing industry are allegedly widespread and have been known to end up in pet food, so we’ve sniffed out a supplier to keep our furry friends full on the good stuff. 

Read our blog on slavery in this industry


Ironically taking the sparkle from the beauty industry, the mining of this mineral has been connected with child and forced labour.

The Freedom Fair will be welcoming a beauty and skincare provider to keep us looking and feeling amazing.

Read our blog on slavery in this industry

Indigenous labour

Our history is marred with the exploitation of Indigenous Australians and sadly an element continues to exist today. 

Read our article on slavery in this industry.



Forced and child labour in developing countries and labour trafficking to developed countries continue to be prevalent in this industry, so we’d like to introduce you to a local supplier to help you with your plant fix.


Staying competitive has led to forced labour globally and even instances of debt bondage domestically.

Raise a glass to ending modern slavery with a tipple from our ethical partners Sensi.


We hope you’re as excited for The Freedom Fair as we are.

Please join us on

12 August 2023

If you’d like to share your products at future Freedom Fairs, please contact [email protected] for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sounds good, how do I attend?

This is a free event however to make sure we meet any COVID restrictions we will ask attendees to pre-register for a time slot to attend the fair. Register here as it helps us factor in the most relevant regulations for crowd control. Thank you.

Aside from the Freedom Fair how else can I find out how to shop ethically?

Check out our Ethical Business Directory here.

Where will the event be held?

The Freedom Fair will be held at The Freedom Hub, 283 Young Street, Waterloo.


Stories of Freedom

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#freedomhuborg #smallchangebigeffect #allprofitstocharity