Jun 12, 2024 | Blog, Child Labour, Ending Modern Slavery, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
World Day Against Child Labour 2024 Every year, 12 June is World Day Against Child Labour, a day dedicated to raising awareness and driving efforts to eliminate child labour worldwide. In 2024, the theme is “Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour!”...
Nov 30, 2022 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Ending Modern Slavery
Day 9 – Why Women Are More Vulnerable to Modern Slavery An estimated 50 million people worldwide are trapped in Modern Slavery, an increase of 10 million since previous estimates in 2016. Modern slavery is a crime that affects every industry worldwide. The term...
Apr 3, 2022 | Child Labour, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
The chocolate industry makes an estimated $103 billion globally each year. As a result, there are greedy individuals willing to take shortcuts if it means more money in their pockets. Hence, the plague of modern-day slavery and child labour runs rampant in the farming...
Dec 6, 2021 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Survivor News
Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants; a state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. For many of us, the idea of ‘being free’ might evoke thoughts of travelling around the world or dreams of gaining the ability to...
Jul 12, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Mica
We all use products every day that are made from mica. But most of us are unaware that this mica may have been acquired through the worst forms of child labor. From its use as an insulator in our computers, phones, and other electronics; to its use in cosmetics...
Apr 26, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Coffee, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery, Waterloo Cafe
Is Your Coffee Brewing Slavery? How do you know and what can you do to be sure you aren’t? Every morning, the process of getting a cup of coffee is pretty simple. Because you just put your coffee grounds into your coffee machine and hit start. Even though this...