Mar 20, 2022 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
The environmental crisis is spurring people worldwide to alter their everyday lives to combat climate change. To fight dwindling natural resources and prevent the environment from suffering further devastation, scientists and engineers have developed ways to create...
Feb 23, 2022 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
Modern Slavery Statements are pouring into the Australian register. But are they making an impact on modern slavery? The Issue New insights have just been delivered in an extensive collaborative report by prominent academics and civil society organisations....
Dec 6, 2021 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Survivor News
Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants; a state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. For many of us, the idea of ‘being free’ might evoke thoughts of travelling around the world or dreams of gaining the ability to...
Nov 28, 2021 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Forced Labour
Last week, we published an article discussing the significance of knowledge and education, emphasising its role in future advocacy and action. Now that we are (sadly) coming to an end in our 16 Days of Freedom series. Where we have introduced and discussed, in detail,...
Nov 28, 2021 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Sex Slavery
Through The 16 Days of Freedom so far, we have talked about the idea of imprisonment and modern slavery. But what is it actually like to live it? Sadly, these experiences are far too real for far too many people. People such as Maria*. Maria was a victim of, and...
Nov 28, 2021 | 16Days of Freedom, Blog, Debt Bondage, Forced Labour
Modern slavery takes form in many ways; domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking etc. One of the most common forms of slavery is labour exploitation and debt bondage. What is labour exploitation? Labour exploitation involved forcing people to work for...