Nov 15, 2022 | Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
On 10th November the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner, Dr James Cockayne gave an address in the NSW Parliament House. The title of the speech was Anti-slavery as Smart Public Policy. About the Commissioner’s Address In his address, the NSW...
Oct 13, 2022 | Ending Modern Slavery, Social Impact Report
Last quarter The Freedom Hub received an award, two accreditations and two visits from the new Anti-Slavery Commissioner for NSW. Award It was pretty exciting to win the Third Sector Award for ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year’. The Third Sector are...
Oct 13, 2022 | Ending Modern Slavery
Our Ethical Cafe, Catering, Retail, and Events is full of Highs and Lows Let’s start with the The Freedom Hub Cafe highs! The Freedom Hub cafe ‘Corporate Catering’ has grown so much over Q3 that we are now looking for funding to develop an online...
Oct 11, 2022 | Donor Newsletters, Ending Modern Slavery, Social Impact Report, Survivor News
Survivor School and Advocacy – helping victim/survivors rebuild, recover, and thrive in life. The last few months have been a very busy time in the survivor school for both Survivor School work and advocacy! We have had 6 new referrals join...
Oct 11, 2022 | Donor Newsletters, Ending Modern Slavery, Social Impact Report
Ethical Business is our Business Our Ethical Business Training and Consulting work continues to grow with the increasing need for businesses to work with experienced anti-slavery NGOs. Over the year The Freedom Hub has had to further expanded our Ethical Business team...
Apr 14, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Events, Social Impact Report, Waterloo Cafe
Purpose has become more important than ever over the last two years. How has consumer spending changed toward purpose, and what is The Freedom Hub doing to leverage this opportunity. Since the day we opened our first cafe in 2015, The Freedom Hub has been...
Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Business
Partner to end Modern Slavery? How has the pandemic made this a huge battle? The third arm of our social purpose is to ‘partner in the fight to end global slavery.’ Partnering is the only way we are going to end this crime. The official...
Apr 11, 2022 | Survivor News
It’s a Rebuild of confidence, lost dreams, and hopes for the future. How Q1 has been a huge challenge for our survivors. Many of us are unsure or not confident about going out or mixing in crowds again, yet we know we must. We know it is vital to socialise and...
Apr 11, 2022 | Blog, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
Easter Means Chocolate Time! Here’s How to Get Your Spring Fix Ethically Easter is a time of eating chocolate– chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies. It is something we share with family and friends. There is no denying the happiness we feel when we bite into a piece of...
Apr 3, 2022 | Child Labour, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
The chocolate industry makes an estimated $103 billion globally each year. As a result, there are greedy individuals willing to take shortcuts if it means more money in their pockets. Hence, the plague of modern-day slavery and child labour runs rampant in the farming...