Some thoughts on racism as part of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. These thoughts below have been penned by one of our American interns, Natasha, who is a woman of colour and has an inside perspective on racism.


For a long time, people of color have experienced the never-ending damaging effects of slavery. With that we have fought and died to be heard in a world that silences our voice. And a world that limits the opportunities within our reach. Because of this, that I am glad to be a Black woman celebrating the International DaAgainst Racial Discrimination.  

This holiday holds great significance to me. Because it brings to light that we still have work to do before we could ever achieve equality. And freedom from systemic racism that enslaves people of color. Especially in my home country the United States. Every day, the Atlantic Slave Trade which happened 400 years ago, still effects people that look like me. Africans were stolen from their country and brought to the US and other European countries as slaves and property with no rights. 


The Aftermath of Slavery for Black People 

Although slavery has been abolished for a long time now, society has found new ways to enslave and control us. Discrimination.

Here are a few ways in which my family, friends, and community has been impacted. 


1. The School to Prison pipeline.

This is where minors of a disadvantaged background, mainly people of color, disproportionality have a higher chance of becoming incarcerated. This is due to inequality in education and strict school rules. “The reason the difference between juvenile detention and school discipline is so surprising — and the reason school discipline is seen as a growing concern — is that the two are connected. Leading civil-rights advocates talk about a “school-to-prison pipeline.” Especially for older students, trouble at school can lead to their first contact with the criminal justice system. And in many cases, schools themselves are the ones pushing students into the juvenile justice system. Often by having students arrested at school.For more information on the damaging effects of the school to prison pipeline click here 


2. Disparities in Birth Rates

. Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy related issues compared to white women. 


3. Racial Discrimination and School.

Less than a third of Black students will attain a bachelor’s degree or higher compared to their white counterparts. Because people of color are economically disadvantaged compared to white people. In return, they either can’t afford to pay for school or put themselves in debt taking out loans to gain a higher education. For more ways in which people of color experience systemic racial discrimination click here 



Racial Discrimination exposed through #BlackLivesMatter 

As a result of the systemic racism, we decided to fight back even harder forming the BLM protest to fight against racial injustices of people of color. Most recently I took part in the BLM protest in New York City after George Floyd was wrongfully murdered by a white cop as his fellow police officers did nothing to stop the cop from slowly suffocating Floyd. 

In joining The Freedom Hub, I am playing my role in fighting to end global slavery. It is a charity that helps prepare survivors of modern-day slavery live in freedom. I am proud to be a part of this gracious charity as we fight for equality and freedom for all not just people of color, but for those experiencing any and all types of enslavement. 

Written by: Natasha Lewis – Freedom Hub Volunteer

For more information about the work of the Freedom Hub click here.