Apr 14, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Events, Social Impact Report, Waterloo Cafe
Purpose has become more important than ever over the last two years. How has consumer spending changed toward purpose, and what is The Freedom Hub doing to leverage this opportunity. Since the day we opened our first cafe in 2015, The Freedom Hub has been...
Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Business
Partner to end Modern Slavery? How has the pandemic made this a huge battle? The third arm of our social purpose is to ‘partner in the fight to end global slavery.’ Partnering is the only way we are going to end this crime. The official...
Apr 11, 2022 | Survivor News
It’s a Rebuild of confidence, lost dreams, and hopes for the future. How Q1 has been a huge challenge for our survivors. Many of us are unsure or not confident about going out or mixing in crowds again, yet we know we must. We know it is vital to socialise and...
Apr 3, 2022 | Child Labour, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa
The chocolate industry makes an estimated $103 billion globally each year. As a result, there are greedy individuals willing to take shortcuts if it means more money in their pockets. Hence, the plague of modern-day slavery and child labour runs rampant in the farming...
Mar 20, 2022 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
In a progressive milestone for human rights, for the first time in Australia, thousands of entities have submitted their first modern slavery statement in response to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), beginning the significant process of stamping out slavery...
Mar 20, 2022 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business
The Australian Government has created several action plans and frameworks to combat and prevent the gruelling practices of modern slavery. At the end of 2020, Australia introduced their Fourth Action Plan, a five-year plan to combat modern slavery from 2020 to 2025....