Oct 26, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Forced Labour, Slavery in Cocoa, Waterloo Cafe
From our hometowns to the global scale, injustice happens everywhere, every day. Sadly, this means issues get forgotten about, or overpowered by other problems. However, we rarely stop talking about them because they have been fixed. Those who have a hand in these...
Sep 26, 2021 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery
A wedding style is the overall aesthetic and feeling for one’s event. For some this can feel restricting and rigid, but others might think there are too many options. Either way this can create confusion and worries for a day meant to be filled with happiness and...
Jul 1, 2021 | Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Events
7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning an Ethical Event With a few clicks or a quick trip to the store, it seems that almost anything is at our fingertips. The easy and fast deliveries we are accustomed to is what makes it so tempting to forget about...
Mar 2, 2021 | Blog, Forced Labour, Slavery in Fish
Seafaring Slavery aboard Chinese fishing vessels in the Indo-Pacific “Video footage went viral in May showing bodies of dead Indonesian fishermen thrown overboard from Chinese fishing vessels. Specifically from Long Xing 629, a high-sea boat of the Dalian Ocean...
Dec 14, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
Just in time for Human Rights Day, the Australian Government launched its 5 year plan to combat modern slavery. “The National Action Plan articulates the Government’s vision for a future where no one is subjected to #modernslavery. It builds on our efforts to...