NSW Modern Slavery Legislation Sept 20 Update
Finally some action is happening. Parliament met yesterday (24th Sept 2020) to discuss the NSW Modern Slavery Act. As a result the 17 recommendations that an earlier enquiry made, were addressed. This piece of legislation is critical for human rights and it has been...
Three things I learnt about Modern Slavery in Australia
My name is Brinda. In this blog I want to share what I learnt about slavery and how working at the Freedom Hub impacted my life. Firstly about me. I am an international student from a middle-class family in Nepal. I came to Australia almost two years ago to pursue my...
Weddings, Babies and Vegan Treats!
Weddings, Babies and Vegan Treats: What do these things have in common? That will be our Waterloo Venue. Our venue is a Cafe by Day & and Event Venue by Night! Find out more in this blog..... August 2020 Café and Events Recap Weddings are Back in our Venue When...
Survivor School August 2020 Recap
Note: the missing links in our August e-newsletter are here: Cafe/Events & Ethical Shopping August 2020 Survivor School Recap August Classes This term our school is running 10 classes and finally a number of them are face to face. Clients who need to stay...
How to Submit a Modern Slavery Statement
Note: missing links in our August newsletter are here: Cafe/Events & Ethical Shopping Ethical Business August 2020 Update. A lot is going on in the fight to end modern slavery. Many businesses are well on their way to assessing their risk of slavery in their...
Fashion Woes
We love our fashion, watching the trends and splurging on new outfits for special occasions. Well even more often, actually! Spring is in the air and the season is changing. So, it is time to think about the next seasons colours, styles and fabrics. But COVID has not...
Making Dreams Come True
A Survivors Dream Story - at the Freedom Hub Survivor School What else does The Freedom Hub do, you ask? We can make a dream come true! Not in a willie-nillie, airy-fairy sort of a way, but for REAL. Yes, we help to empower Survivors. Therefore, we help them get their...
You Can Still Party – Hosting a Covid Event that’s Safe
Tips for holding a COVID Event Safely. Is the party life over? Covid events held safely? Are they possible? The world is going insane at the moment so you think ‘why not have an event to brighten up the mood a bit?’ See some friends you have only talked to through a...
UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
This week is UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons - 30th July. Human trafficking, is a widespread violation of the most basic human rights, and touches communities the world over. It is in every country. Incredibly it is in every industry. Also, while it has to...
WA Government Enforces Modern Slavery Act
We just love this proactive support of Australia's Modern Slavery Act. Because it takes leadership and heart to see a law rolled out beyond a piece of paper. If only NSW would do the same! So thank you Walk Free and WA Government for taking a strong leadership on this...