Oct 13, 2022 | Ending Modern Slavery, Social Impact Report
Last quarter The Freedom Hub received an award, two accreditations and two visits from the new Anti-Slavery Commissioner for NSW. Award It was pretty exciting to win the Third Sector Award for ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year’. The Third Sector are...
Apr 14, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Events, Social Impact Report, Waterloo Cafe
Purpose has become more important than ever over the last two years. How has consumer spending changed toward purpose, and what is The Freedom Hub doing to leverage this opportunity. Since the day we opened our first cafe in 2015, The Freedom Hub has been...
Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Business
Partner to end Modern Slavery? How has the pandemic made this a huge battle? The third arm of our social purpose is to ‘partner in the fight to end global slavery.’ Partnering is the only way we are going to end this crime. The official...
Jul 1, 2021 | Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Events
7 Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning an Ethical Event With a few clicks or a quick trip to the store, it seems that almost anything is at our fingertips. The easy and fast deliveries we are accustomed to is what makes it so tempting to forget about...
Jun 18, 2021 | Ending Modern Slavery, Survivor News
We have Sydney-based Jobs! We are excited to be growing so fast that we can offer these newly created jobs to enhance the work and cause. Survivor Education Manager – Ultimo & National Oversight This is a part-time management job for someone...