Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Ethical Business
Partner to end Modern Slavery? How has the pandemic made this a huge battle? The third arm of our social purpose is to ‘partner in the fight to end global slavery.’ Partnering is the only way we are going to end this crime. The official...
Jul 12, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Mica
We all use products every day that are made from mica. But most of us are unaware that this mica may have been acquired through the worst forms of child labor. From its use as an insulator in our computers, phones, and other electronics; to its use in cosmetics...
Apr 26, 2021 | Blog, Child Labour, Global Modern Slavery Updates, Slavery in Coffee, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery, Waterloo Cafe
Is Your Coffee Brewing Slavery? How do you know and what can you do to be sure you aren’t? Every morning, the process of getting a cup of coffee is pretty simple. Because you just put your coffee grounds into your coffee machine and hit start. Even though this...
Dec 14, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Stats and Facts about Modern Slavery
Just in time for Human Rights Day, the Australian Government launched its 5 year plan to combat modern slavery. “The National Action Plan articulates the Government’s vision for a future where no one is subjected to #modernslavery. It builds on our efforts to...
Sep 25, 2020 | Blog, Ending Modern Slavery, Ethical Business, Forced Labour
Finally some action is happening. Parliament met yesterday (24th Sept 2020) to discuss the NSW Modern Slavery Act. As a result the 17 recommendations that an earlier enquiry made, were addressed. This piece of legislation is critical for human rights and it has been...
Jun 26, 2020 | About Modern Slavery, Blog, Forced Labour
Reject Slavery and End Racism We are all shocked and in horror of the racism that we are seeing on our screens right now. As we grapple with the way forward in campaigning that Black Lives Matter; we all need to be thinking what we can to reject slavery and end...